Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Labor Day Weekend:
Wombats and a Kernel Panic

Saturday night, my computer started acting very strange. I fussed around with it until midnight, then continued the next day. Eventually, it went into Kernel Panic, and, well, to put it simply ... I kind of lost everything. However, I came to feel this conclusion was inevitable and so I became very zen about such a possibility. I tried to see it as cleansing and simply an opportunity to start fresh. Still, it is creating some challenges.

Despite this, I could not let it spoil a weekend that was three days long and where the weather was absolutely perfect.

On Saturday, I made my way to Oakland's Art and Soul Festival, which I had been greatly anticipating. Unfortunately, Darker My Love had to cancel their appearance at the Live 105 stage, but there was still The Wombats from Liverpool to enjoy. To a crowd made up of mostly high school hipsters (plus me), The Wombats entertained with a half hour of high energy quirky rock and roll. My personal favorites were "Moving to New York" and "Backfire at the Disco," but the crowd was most moved by "Let's Dance to Joy Division."

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