Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Thinking About the Future

I got my driver's license on Friday!

I've been thinking a bit about the future lately - not just the future of New and Used Records, but the future of my life. I'm basically trying to think out and kinda plan the next two years. If you watch episode four of the video podcast series, that showcases a few of the hurdles I've had to overcome in recent years. After going through that, being able to launch the record company felt like quite the achievement. Now I'm in an interesting situation where, to be honest, I've overcome those hurdles and I find myself sitting relatively comfortably. This allows me to really think about the future and set some real goals.

I have several goals for New and Used Records the company. I'm seeing it not so much as your average indie label, but more of a creative project involving all media. The next focus of N&UR may not be another band at all - it might be a documentary film or something. I've been asked quite a bit over the past couple of months if I am going to be signing other bands. The short answer to that is that I am not currently looking. I'm basically trying to go project to project and I'd like each to develop through networking and relationship building (much like mine with the Passionistas did), rather than through some sort of kneejerk response. Besides, promoting God's Boat is pretty much a full time job.

The next few weeks will be filled with continuous promotion, and the launching of a radio campaign. We'll all be meeting tomorrow to discuss some new ideas. There's the possibility that reviews in certain publications could lead to something, but I certainly don't want to wait around for that. I want to strategize about every possible crazy viral marketing idea. I'm really trying to get creative here. Any thoughts?

1 comment:

Barbara Bruederlin said...

Congratulations on getting your driver's license! That will make your life so much less complicated (in some respects).