Sunday, July 1, 2007

The Passionistas Video Podcast - Episode 4:
"Will's Story"

Tonight, I - Will Benham, president of New and Used Records - return as narrator, while discussing some of the events in my life which ultimately lead to my launching a record label.

Previously on The Passionistas ...
3.5 - "Andrew and the Sound Factory"
3 - "Andrew"
2 - "How Aaron Met Myles"
1 - "Aaron Returns"

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1 comment:

Barbara Bruederlin said...

Awesome! Don't leave us hanging like that - what happens next?

I'm not being factitious, this really is a fascinating podcast, and I dig the rewind effect.

"Eugene Hutz - where's the love for this guy?" - was that one of the first posts you did? You're sort of one of those visionaries, aren't you?