Monday, July 2, 2007

The Passionistas Video Podcast - Episode 4: "Will's Story"

Before N&UR was a label, I was simply working with the Passionistas on a recurring video series. While I was editing episode one, singer/guitarist Aaron Sunshine suggested that I be the narrator, subsequently becoming a character in the series. It's fitting, seeing as how by starting a label and signing the band, I have become a part of the Passionistas' story. Episode four goes back to a few of the themes I introduced in that first episode, while allowing me to discuss all the factors that ultimately lead me to start a record label.

For more on the New and Used Records label, visit

Previously on The Passionistas ...
3.5 - "Andrew and the Sound Factory"
3 - "Andrew"
2 - "How Aaron Met Myles"
1 - "Aaron Returns"

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Anonymous said...

This was excellent. Not only to hear your story and how things evolved, which you have touched on through blog entires, but it was truly awesome to see the clips from old video podcast and you can see how things have involved, through story yes, but your technique and everything has really taken on its own form.

Kudos to you my friend, well done!

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much, Allison. I really appreciate it.