Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Moving In

It was a bit of a weeklong ordeal getting packed for our move to Oakland, followed by the six hours it took the movers on Sunday. We're still in the process of unpacking - as you can see above - but the place is starting to feel like home. The neighborhood is lovely - packed with great shops and delicious-looking restaurants (a couple of which we've enjoyed so far). Plus, our central location makes it no problem to get virtually anywhere in Oakland, not to mention Berkley and downtown San Francisco. There's something revitalizing about waking up in a new place, especially in a new city. The morning commute has been a breeze and I am just excited to explore everything Oakland has to offer.


Barbara Bruederlin said...

Fantastic windows! I can see you absolutely loving living there. I know I would.

How does Ivy like the new place?

Allison said...

Those windows are lovely!! Unpacking is always just a little bit easier than packing, I find. Still hassle but the reward is greater.

Hope you discover lots of hidden treasures in your new neighbourhood.