Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Back With the Living

I spent something like six hours editing the fourth episode on Sunday, even skipping out on a chance to see Sicko. Though I was feeling a bit groggy the following day, I had to get out a little to the land of the living.

Thankfully, Greg Ashley and the Moore Brothers were playing a free show over at Cafe du Nord. I hadn't been to Du Nord since our CD Release Party, and there was a nice, very chill atmosphere in the club - and a pretty good sized crowd, too. Myles and Andrew from the Passionistas were there, which was good because I actually don't think I've seen those guys since the Sacramento show. Myles and I played a game of pool, and it was a real down to the wire game, ending with just the 8 ball on the table.

When Greg played, it was just him and the acoustic guitar. He doesn't do much in the way of crowd interaction, but that didn't matter, as the audience stood positively hypnotized by the selection of lovely songs from his two brilliant solo albums (2003's Medicine Fuck Dream and this year's Painted Garden). We were able to visit with Greg a little before the show, and learn of the adventures encountered on his recent touring schedule. I suggested he write a "year on the road" memoir, but Greg said that'd be very boring.

MP3 - "Fisher King" - Greg Ashley (from Painted Garden)


Barbara Bruederlin said...

I notice you did not mention who actually won the pool game. That could not have been intentional, could it?

Greg Ashley does make really lovely music, and a free show to boot? Everybody wins!

Barbara Bruederlin said...

Hey, Happy Great Big American Holiday, Will!