Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Still Editing New Episode

I finished editing episode four earlier this evening - the one about me. Then I watched it, and thought it was a little boring and not as dramatic as it should be. So then I started recutting and adding some more things to tighten it and make it a little more exciting. But I also had laundry to do and Barry Zito was pitching (quite well, I might add) so that prevented me from having an obsessively progressive editing session. I got a little tired of episode four, so I started working on episode five a little bit, too.

Maybe I'm more self-conscious about this one since it is about me. At the same time, this is trying to tell the story of who I am and what ultimately lead me to start a record company, so I need to be satisfied that I've told that. It does have some great interviews with my brother and my girlfriend - though, without any performance footage, I've got to make sure it stays visually interesting. Maybe I'll ask Aaron to draw some more pictures for it.

1 comment:

Barbara Bruederlin said...

Well, laundry. And baseball - there's just no fighting that is there?