Monday, June 18, 2007

Sacramento Day Trip

Yesterday ... The Passionistas, myself and some friends hit the road to our significantly warmer state capital for an early evening show. Sandwiched between openers Rademacher and our friends/local favorites, the Music Lovers, it was all part of indie pop showcase series, the Record Club. We met the very kind DJ Roger, Record Club promoter and all around supporter of independent music. Record Club events have been going on in Sacramento for a few months, but will be extending around California in the coming months. Their first San Francisco show was last week. We like the vision behind the Record Club - gathering music fans together to see a showcase of upcoming bands, while spinning classic and new favorites in between sets - and we're excited to see where it goes.

We pulled into the Press Club around 3 to some pretty serious heat, but thankfully the club was well air-conditioned. I set up the merch table with our CD, some newly designed Passionistas shirts and the $50 Passionistas cologne, while we caught up with the Music Lovers. A bar patron also lectured each of us on how he'd written such hits as "The Final Countdown" and "Here I Go Again" (which he claims was originally titled "Street of Dreams"), only to have them stolen. There was also some stuff about satellites, 9/11 and Barry Bonds in there.

Attendance stayed small throughout the show, and we didn't sell any merch. However, it was fun chatting music with Roger, while giving the Music Lovers the first opportunity to see the Passionistas. I've been wanting this double bill for some time - really since I first heard the Music Lovers, so I was excited to see it finally happen. We didn't know Rademacher beforehand, but quite enjoyed their set. It was only 4:30 in the afternoon, but they certainly brought a good deal of energy. They had to leave early, but we traded CDs and will hopefully hook up with them somewhere down the line.

The Passionistas set was cut short by a song or two due to a mishap with a mic stand. It had been knocked over during a performance of "Fucking Cold" and though it wasn't broken, the sound guy decided he'd seen enough. Afterwards, Ping Chu - drummer of the Music Lovers - told me a little story about a show he'd played in Germany opening for the Constantines with his then band, Boyskout. Apparently, both bands got in a rather destructive mood and even tossed a television out the window. Now, that's rock and roll.

All in all, a fun day and positive learning experience. Hopefully we'll be on a Record Club bill in the near future. Thanks to Music Lovers bassist Jon Brooder for the ride home.

1 comment:

Barbara Bruederlin said...

The Record Club deal sounds like a brilliant setup - I rather like the idea of the odd afternoon show, given my advanced age. In fact I feel like I was there.

Cute story about the Constantines. They are all full of love and everything, but they do rock really hard and they are boys after all, so I guess these things just spill over sometimes. Hey, I'm seeing them again next week. When are the Passionistas going to play up here?

I am shocked beyond belief that no Passsionistas cologne was sold though.