Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Let The Rain Fall Down/Passionistas News

Some errors over at our host site prevented day four of "12 Days of Birdman" from happening. Rest assured, however, that a Howlin Rain live performance will be up in the very near future. In other news, it is raining like a mofo here in San Francisco, and today looks as though it's going to be rather dreary. Yesterday, I found myself getting just a little bit stressed - which I have to say was a little odd, given the way most things have turned out this year. You might even say I was anxious. I pulled myself through that, however, and though the weather is not making things any better today, I feel like I am on the up and up.

The Passionistas stopped by the N&UR office on Saturday to take a look at how the first episode of their recurring video podcast series is shaping up. I think it is safe to say they were pleased with the direction the show is headed. If you happen to live near the San Luis Obispo area, the Passionistas have a show on December 16 at Linnaea's Cafe. Also, because I think I failed to mention it - the Passionistas' "God's Boat" has gone through the "chopped and screwed" remix treatment, courtesy of the Screw Rock and Roll blog. Listen here.


Anonymous said...

Well that was an ... interesting remix. Somewhat lacking in the melody and rhythm departments but perhaps that was the point...

Anonymous said...

Oh, myspace isn't working with my wireless...I'll check back later to listen.