Friday, December 1, 2006

Dear Britney Spears (Part 2)

Dear Britney Spears,

I'm going to refrain from writing something clever or funny alongside this photo of you and your new best friend because, well, it would really be just to easy and as the one year anniversary of my blogging debut approaches, I would like to challenge myself just a little bit. Besides, Trent at Pink is the New Blog really is saying (and showing) all that needs to be said (and a bit more than needs to be seen. However, in reference to the letter I sent you about a week ago asking for you to rescue Katie Holmes wearing the body suit from the "Oops I Did it Again" video, while using Batman-like grappling hook shit. Well, you can just disregard it. All the best,



Anonymous said...

I understand that Britney believed Paris when she told her that none of the cool kids were wearing panties anymore.

Anonymous said...

I think I have missed out on something here - did we get to see Britney's lady garden?

Anonymous said...

hahaha Barb!!