But Daulton is not hogging all the secrets of the universe for himself. Instead, he wants to share them, in a book called If They Only Knew. "Reality is created and guarded by numeric patterns that overlap and awaken human consciousness, like a giant matrix or hologram," he writes. "They are created by sacred geometry -- numbers, the language of the universe, codes of awakening -- such as 11:11, which represent twin strands of DNA about to return to balance. Eleven equals BALANCE."
He explains, "I'll wake up at night and look at the clock and it's 11:11. I'll turn on the TV and see a baseball game tied at 11 in the 11th inning. I'll look out the window and see a car passing with 1111 on the license plate. The car will turn into a driveway with 1111 on the mailbox." Now while these theories seem to hold great importance for the future of humanity, Daulton says he would put them aside if offered the opportunity to manage a Major League Baseball team. It may all sound crazy to you, but it's hard to argue with a man who says, "Whenever my thoughts got totally negative, it would automatically rain." That explains a lot.
(Thanks to Charlie for passing this article along to me).
"Time Travel is Lonely," John Vanderslice
"Science vs. Romance," Rilo Kiley
"Such Great Heights," The Postal Service
I think Daulton has taken one too many lines of Coke.
Will, you've obviously never experienced astral travel. It's pretty sharp.
OMG,sometimes when I glance at the clock it's 11:11! Am I astral projecting?
This guy's seen "Pi" one too many times, and he's smoked a bunch of crack. He'd be a perfect major league baseball manager.
If They Only Knew is a good book with lots to think about. Don't make fun until you've read it - and don't be such critics. darrendaulton.com or amazon.com. check it out. He's not crazy at all.
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