Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Moby, Linda Perry Want to "Help" Courtney

There has not been much progress lately in our attempt to reunite Hole and package them in a tour with the reunited Smashing Pumpkins. There has, however, been a lot of news lately on individuals who want to work on Courtney Love's next solo record. Linda Perry, who co-wrote and produced songs for Love's solo debut, America's Sweetheart, told MTV, "My dedication right now is to bring back the queen of rock and roll, and that's Courtney Love." Speaking at the "I Create Music" Expo, Perry was rather flattering about Love's talent while remaining un-sentimental about Love's solo work. "That woman is brilliant, and I can't allow myself as a music lover and someone who really respects that artist to go down with America's Sweetheart," she declared. "That record sucked. She knows it. The world knows it. It was a horrible, crap-ass record."

Rumor was last week that Moby, a longtime Love supporter, would be working the boards. "I'm not sure we're working together," he told NME. "The truth is, I actually don't know. I mean, I've known Courtney for a long time, and I find her to be remarkably talented and just a fascinating person, so we might work on something together, but I don't know. It's just been some friendly conversations at this point." Both he and Perry seemed very impressed with the songs Love had written thus far. "She's really focused, pleasure to be around, looks great, sounds great, really great ideas, great songs she's written ... so rehab was really good," Perry said. "My job now is to make that [Love] rock and roll record that everybody's gonna love."

Moby added, "It's actually really well-written songs that are very earnest, very passionate. So I'm sure she'll make a wonderful record. It's got a humble strength to it."


Anonymous said...

Queen of Rock n' Roll?

I've never been a Courtney Love fan at all. I think she's grossly overrrated.

Anonymous said...

While I don't hate Courtney Love and do have some respect for her as a musician, I really think she makes more of a contribution as Queen of the Tabloids rather than Queen of Rock and Roll.

Anonymous said...

I am a fan, I have to say, and who (female) has rocked out since Courtney/ Hole left the scene?

I know she's a trainwreck surrounded by dark rumours and the modern day Yoko Ono x 20..but Live through this is hard to beat for me,and all my friends the same age who embraced that album. That said, I fear for Moby, a little.

Anonymous said...

Jacquie I am totally with you. Courtney has had some super rough times and obvious substance and psychological struggles. I think she's an easy target and scapegoat because she refuses to conform to any mold. It is easy to kick someone who makes you uncomfortable while she's down. I have been plotting a big "in defense of Courtney's genius" blog and you've inspired me to stop procrastinating.