Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Avant Garde Intro Leads to Better Gilmore Girls


The following contains serious plot details from the episode "The Real Paul Anka"

For the past few months now, we've been documenting our love/hate relationship with the Gilmore Girls' sixth season. Thankfully, last night's episode moved us a bit closer to the love. It was really all about the opening, though, in which Lorelai recounts a dream to Rory that's rather difficult to explain, but was rather humorous, and featured Paul Anka. I should add that Lorelai also has a dog named Paul Anka ... and that's really what made it funny. Ever since the dog showed up, I was curious if we would see an appearance from the man himself. There was a time I despised Paul Anka - but he's steadily been earning cool points since last year's Rock Swings (which featured an awesome cover of "Wonderwall") , and this guest appearance endeared him to me FOREVER. Beyond the star cameo, the dream sequence was exemplary of what makes Gilmore Girls unlike anything else on television.

The rest of the episode couldn't top the brilliant opening, but it certainly was a step in the right direction, especially with some memorable moments courtesy of Emily and Richard. The guest appearance of Milo Ventimiglia (Jess Mariano) was used pretty heavily in the promotion for this episode, but it ended up only being about two scenes. Nonetheless, Jess seems to have matured a bit since being written off the show, and I personally wouldn't mind seeing him come back a few more times. I am left with a few questions - 1). Am I the only person with a soft spot for Luke's daughter? 2). Where the hell are Sukie and Jackson? 3). Anyone know what that song was at the end? It didn't really fit, but I kinda liked it.

1 Gilmore Girls, Why Do You Hate Us
2 Sebastian Bach, We Love You
3 Gilmore Girls Returns - Triumphantly
4 Gilmore Girls Got That Indie Cred


Anonymous said...

I never got into Gilmore Girls or any other TV like that at all. It seems all I have time for are a few select shows like American Idol, Ghosthunters, and maybe 2400.

Paul Anka is still very cool.

Anonymous said...

Paul Anka is one of those guys who are growing into coolness as they age. Neil Diamond is sort of doing the same. And Leonard Cohen - oh wait, no, he was always cool.

Anonymous said...

Cool blog - couple things...

Paul seems like a cool guy... somehow I made it over 25 years without knowing anything of his music. I was not so lucky with Neil Diamond, the soundtrack of my childhood.

Also, do you know what song was playing when Lorelai dumped coffee on the wedding dress?

Anonymous said...

Actually I was wondering myself what that song was ... Not sure though ... But I did find that if you google "Gilmore Girls Music," a lot of porn comes up.

Anonymous said...

All I have to add is that I never, never, ever get tired of human names for cats and dogs. Especially full names.Esp. full names after famous person. See "Everything is Illuminated"'s Sammy Davis Junior Junior for a further example.
One of my best conversations at the park was when a lady informed me that Mozart peed in the house today. ha!

Anonymous said...

Found the song... The Sparks: "Angst in My Pants" (credit to Television without Pity)

Anonymous said...

Thanks Kay!