Wednesday, March 8, 2006

Streaming Albums, eMusic, and a new kind of music swapping

a few notable items:

1). For those of you (like me) who love streaming albums, Aol has Neko Case, Brokeback Mountain, Stereolab, and Goldfrapp; My Space has the Sounds; and NME has Graham Coxon.

2). I am trying out eMusic (known on the street as the "indie iTunes"). Rolling Stone had a blurb about them a couple weeks back.

3). La la is a new music-swapping service being launched out of Palo Alto, CA. Ellen Lee writes in the San Francisco Chronicle, "Part MySpace, Netflix, eBay and iTunes, La la incorporates pieces of each: Users list online the CDs they both want and have. In the process, they find others who share the same taste in music. Then, when one user requests a CD that another person owns, the owner drops it in the mail in a pre-paid envelope. The receiver is billed $1, plus 49 cents for shipping; the shipper pays nothing." (article).

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