A DVD of low production value surfaced this week featuring R. Kelly's brother, Carey, making claims that the R. "abuses his wife, tried to molest their other brother's daughter and molested their 12-year-old second cousin ... [and that] R. is bisexual,"
according to MTV. Furthermore, Carey claims he was offered money in exchange for lying in court. "I got a call about a year and a half ago," he says. "My brother wanted me to do some shit pertaining to this case that would leave me behind bars with a record deal. It doesn't make sense, so I turned it down. ... Since I couldn't lie for him in a court of law, we're back to beefing again, and we ain't brothers no more."
I find it interesitng how R.Kelly still manages to sell records.
It's fascinating ... though I have to admit, I find some of his songs undeniably catchy.
The reason his brother turned him down was because getting a record deal behind bars doesn't make sense? Which is true, I guess, but didn't honesty enter into the discussions at all, I wonder? Hmmm.
Everything that Kelly seems to touch courts controversy these days.
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