Never afraid to speak his feelings towards the man we reluctantly call president, Billy Bragg has made the new "Bush War Blues" available as a
free download through
Anti- Records. Bragg recently signed with Anti- joining an impressive roster that already includes Neko Case, Tom Waits and Nick Cave. Recorded just last week, the song updates Leadbelly's 1930 "Bourgeois Blues," and was performed live alongside the legendary Ramblin' Jack Elliott at the Anti Hootenanny at South by Southwest. I'm interested to hear what everyone thinks. (Anti- also reports that Bragg's debut with his new label is due for release in 2007, while
Yep Roc will be reissuing his entire back catalog).
::2 Related Links::
Billy Bragg Live Review (Arifacts)
Review: Don't Try This At Home / Billy Bragg (Ben's Daily Review)
Oh and thanks for the link mate.
I wonder if Mr. President will be listening Will ?
Ben - I imagine he won't be listening. As for the link, anytime.
There's just no stopping Billy Bragg, is there? I wish there were 10 of him. Bush War Blues is a grand classic blues tunes.
I don't know...does a Canadian singing about Bush really have much impact?
Billy rocks, one thing I love about him is that he cares about things on a global and national scale, and clearly reads the daily local papers whenever he tours, at least everytime I have seen him live in Toronto, he has talked about topical local issues. For example at that recent show he mentioned our college teachers' strike which was only in Ontario.
Phoenix, I know I try to claim ownership of BB here in Canada but he's a British chap :)
Will, thanks for the shout!!
You're welcome on the shout, Jacquie.
...and I think all commentary has impact, regardless of where you are from.
Billy Bragg supports terrorism.
Um ...
1). I wasn't aware of that.
2). So does President Bush.
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