Thursday, February 23, 2006

My Morning Routine/Podcasts

Between 7:05-7:12 AM, you can find me outside waiting for the bus. This is not the most pleasant experience much of the time. Here's why:

1.) For some obnoxious reason, our neighbors enjoy disposing of their household garbage in the public garbage can by the bus stop. They even have the gall to pile it on top of the can top if it is full. I have seen people doing it sheepishly and I think is is really a waste of everyone's time. Is it so that they have a cheaper garbage bill? I don't think that's even how it works. Anyway, it is often really smelly because of them and that makes me angry.

2.) It's too early!

3.) I have to go to work

4.) It is cold

5.) Sometimes I have to wait a long time and that also makes me mad.

It's not all bad, though. Here's what makes my morning better:

1.) Listening to a podcast. I love the NPR Story of the Day and also the Onion Radio News. These are very popular ones, I really haven't given too many others a chance. I have checked out the SF Museum of Modern Art Artcast, which is great. I have listened to a few Sex With Emilys but I am not crazy about them. Some are really fascinating and others are really obnoxious. Some of the guests are pretentious and/or depressing and I don't love Emily's way of agreeing with everything that everyone says. She is funny sometimes, though, and I like that it is all about San Francisco.

2.) Getting one of the rock star (single, window) seats on the bus. A rarity.

3.) A super turbo Muni driver who gets me there fast and with minimal agitation. Some weeks are better than others.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good post, I hate your neighbours.
Rock star seat, that's great.